Choosing and Using Tripods – PDF Download


In this downloadable PDF ebook we explain the different types of tripod on the market and give tips on how to use them effectively.


Tripods are perhaps one of the most misunderstood and under-used photographic accessories. They are simply for resting your camera on, right?

Well, yes, but there is a lot more to tripods than that and buying the incorrect one for your needs can be a costly mistake.

Furthermore, using it in the wrong way can end up with you being disappointed with your images.

This 21-page downloadable PDF tutorial gives loads of information on the different types of tripods out there, what features to look for, and most importantly how to use your tripod for best effect.

The PDF file can be downloaded upon purchase. You will need software on your viewing device capable of reading PDF files, for example Adobe Acrobat Reader. Most devices will already have suitable software installed.