Digital Photography Course Part 1


If you have recently acquired your first DSLR or Mirrorless Camera or are struggling to get beyond Auto mode then this course will show you how to take control of your camera to achieve images that you can really be proud of. Scroll down for more info…




Digital Photography Course Part 1 (Beginners)

Venue:   Moulton College, Northants

Price:   £125 including buffet lunch and refreshments

If you have recently acquired your first DSLR or Mirrorless Camera or are struggling to get beyond Auto mode then this course will show you how to take control of your camera to achieve images that you can really be proud of.

On this one day workshop you will learn about:

* How a digital camera works
* Choosing the appropriate shooting mode
* Obtaining the correct exposure
* How to use shutter speed, aperture and ISO
* Dealing with white balance
* Composition tips
* Creative focusing
* Mastering depth of field
* Lenses and other equipment
* Camera techniques
* ……and much more

This is not just about learning the facts, however, we will also show you how to use this knowledge to achieve the shots you want to take. Best of all we will share many tips and tricks for getting the most out of your camera and how to deal with awkward shooting conditions to ensure you still get a great shot.

This course will provide in depth knowledge suitable for use in all photographic genres including landscapes, sports, action, portraits, architecture, etc.

Alongside the theory, the day will also include the opportunity for you to practice what you have learnt with guidance from your tutors. You should therefore bring your camera with you so that you can learn where the relevant controls are on your equipment and understand how to use them.

With a maximum class size of just eight and two tutors there will be the opportunity for one-to-one attention during the practical sessions to ensure that you are getting the most from the day.

The workshop will be held at Moulton College in Northamptonshire and includes a buffet lunch and refreshments throughout the day. The course will commence at 10am and finish around 4pm.


Please check that your camera is suitable before booking:

Please note that this course is for DSLR’s and Mirrorless cameras only. Compact (point & shoot) and bridge cameras are not suitable. Please click here to check that your camera is suitable and if you are in any doubt please contact us. Once you are sure your camera is suitable and wish to book, please advise us of your camera make and model in the ‘notes to seller’ during the checkout process so we can make sure we are familiar with that model prior to your arrival.

Special Dietary Requirements:

If you have any special dietary requirements or allergies please notify us by email immediately after booking so that we can inform the venue.


Please note that not all of the classroom facilities we use for these courses are wheelchair accessible and some areas are only accessible via steps/stairs. There is some uneven ground in the garden areas used for practical sessions. Please contact us to discuss any mobility needs.


Please note our cancellation policy.


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